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Heavy truck drivers in Germany

Opportunity for Heavy truck drivers in Germany.

Requirements: EU28 citizens (non German residents), good command of English language, C or C, C1/ CM licence. 

Please find the vacancy with complete information here.

To apply: register on Reactivate/YfEj Platform and once you are registered and have completely filled in your CV, please send an email with a presentation letter, indicating "Heavy truck drivers - Germany" in the subject. 


Transport Manager in Austria

Opportunity for Transport Managers in Wörgl, Austria.

Requirements: EU27 citizens (non Austrian residents), school diploma/university degree or work experience.

Language knowledge update (March 2021): we are currently looking for the following profiles (advanced knowledge):




Please find the vacancy with complete information here.

To apply: register on Reactivate/YfEj Platform and once you are registered and have completely filled in your CV, please send an email to, indicating "Transport Manager - Worgl" in the subject. 



Città metropolitana di Roma CapitaleWith the support of the European Union Programme EaSi 2014-2020
Segui YFEJ

Questo sito internet ha ricevuto supporto finanzario dal Programma dell'Unione Europea Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" (2014-2020). Per maggiore informazione: Il suo contenuto riflette soltanto l'opinione del Partenariato e la Commissione Europea non è in ogni caso responsabile del possibile utilizzo delle informazioni ivi contenute.